Practice Areas:
Accidentes de Camiones

Truck wrecks can be devastating, resulting in severe injuries, property damage, and emotional trauma. If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck wreck in LA, Long Beach, or throughout California, it’s crucial to understand your rights and seek a qualified truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles County to ensure you receive every cent of the compensation you deserve.

Truck accident attorneys in Los Angeles can navigate you through this chaotic time, especially if you have anxiety after a car accident or other after-car accident trauma.


The phrase “truck accident” refers to a collision involving a semi-truck,18-wheeler truck, tractor-trailer truck, or other kind of commercial truck that has caused automobile damage and/or personal injury.

On this page, we’ll explore key aspects of truck wrecks, including:

  • the importance of hiring truck accident lawyers to fight for your rights
  • what to do after a truck accident
  • who is liable in a truck accident
  • how our truck accident attorney in Los Angeles can help you

Why Choose AMS Law for Your Truck Accidents Claim?

At AMS Law, we understand the world-altering burden that follows an auto accident.

Based in Cerritos, our California truck accident attorney serving Los Angeles County, Long Beach, and throughout California is dedicated to alleviating the stress and challenges that arise in the aftermath of a collision.

  • No pagar sin ganar.
  • Somos un firma de honorarios de contingencia , lo que significa que no hay costos iniciales y no nos deberá ningún honorario a menos que obtenga con éxito un acuerdo o veredicto a su favor.
  • Experiencia enfocada y atención personalizada
  • Nuestro bufete de abogados boutique se centra únicamente en casos de lesiones personales, lo que garantiza que cada cliente reciba una representación personalizada respaldada por años de experiencia de Allen y un historial comprobado de éxito.
  • Representación bilingüe
  • Además de tener una prestigiosa carrera jurídica con una combinación única de experiencia en litigios como demandante y defensa, Allen Splopuko es un abogado bilingüe, enabling him to fluently represent English- and Spanish-speakers alike.

Connect with our Los Angeles truck accident attorney, Allen M. Splopuko, Esq., at (562) 955-4AMS without delay or fill out our case evaluation form. We’re devoted to championing your personal injury claim with precision and care.

Empezar Con Consulta Gratis

Our California truck accident lawyer can help with property damage claims, and delve into the specifics of your accident, assess the potential of your case, and guide you on the path forward.

Contact our truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles for uninsured or underinsured truck crash claims, bodily injury claims, and more.

Is It Worth Getting an Attorney for a Car Accident Involving a Truck?

In the aftermath of a truck accident, many victims wonder if it’s worth hiring an attorney for a car accident involving a truck.

The answer is a resounding yes.

Truck accidents often involve complex legal issues, multiple parties, and significant damages.

A qualified Los Angeles truck accident lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of your case, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and ensure your rights are protected every step of the way.

Our truck accident attorney in Los Angeles has made it his mission to confront powerful insurance entities and secure rightful compensation for our clients, ensuring your case is in good hands.

Truck Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

When it comes to truck accidents, having skilled California truck accident lawyers on your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.

At AMS Law, our Los Angeles truck accident attorney is dedicated to fighting for the rights of victims and holding negligent parties accountable. With his extensive knowledge of California trucking laws and regulations, he will work tirelessly to pursue the maximum compensation available for your injuries and losses.

Permítanos asumir la carga de navegar por las complejidades de las leyes de accidentes automovilísticos de California mientras defendemos sus derechos, permitiéndole concentrarse en su recuperación y bienestar.

What to Do After a Truck Accident: Steps to Protect Your Rights

If you’re looking for what to do after a truck accident, you need to know the essential steps to protect your well-being and preserve evidence for your case.

First and foremost, pull over and bring yourself to safety. Failure to stop after an accident can result in serious legal consequences.

If possible, gather evidence at the scene, such as photographs, witness statements, and contact information for the truck driver and any other involved parties.

It is important to obtain a Traffic Collision Report at the scene of the accident in order to have official documentation of where the accident occurred, each party’s statement of how the accident occurred, any witness statements, etc. The report will also contain the defendant’s information, including identification and insurance.

You should also seek medical attention for any injuries, no matter how minor they may seem.

Finally, contact semi-truck accident lawyers in Los Angeles as soon as possible to discuss your legal options and begin building your case. Our truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles county is committed to bringing you justice while you recover.

For more in-depth information, refer to our guide on Qué Hacer Después de un Accidente Automovilístico.

Who is Liable in a Truck Accident?

Determining liability in a truck accident can be complex, as multiple parties may share responsibility. In addition to the truck driver, other potentially liable parties may include the trucking company, vehicle manufacturer, maintenance contractors, and third-party logistics providers.

Truck accident attorneys in Los Angeles will be able to assess your case and help determine who is liable in a truck accident.

Our truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles has the experience and resources to thoroughly investigate your case and identify all potentially responsible parties, ensuring that you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve.

Schedule a consulta gratis with our California truck accident attorney to give you all the answers you need with no obligation.

    ¡Solicite una consulta GRATIS!

    Seeking Justice: How Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help

    At our firm, we believe that victims of truck accidents deserve justice and fair compensation for their injuries and losses.

    Our experienced truck accident attorney in Los Angeles has years of expertise in handling truck accident cases and securing favorable outcomes. 

    Whether through negotiation or litigation, he will advocate tirelessly on your behalf to hold negligent parties accountable and ensure that you receive the financial support you need to move forward with your life.

    Reach out to our truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles to discuss your case and learn how we can help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

    Tome acción hoy: contáctenos para una evaluación gratuita de su caso

    If you’ve been injured in a truck wreck in California, don’t wait for the statute of limitations in California to expire to seek legal help.

    Our truck accident lawyer serves Long Beach, Los Angeles, and throughout California, and is here to fight for your rights and ensure you receive every cent of the compensation you deserve.

    Contacta con nosotros hoy or call (562) 955-4AMS for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Let our Los Angeles truck accident lawyer handle the legal complexities of California car accident laws while you focus on your recovery.

    Our California truck accident lawyer serving Los Angeles County and other parts of California, can assist you in cases such as: 

    a Accidentes Automovilísticos

    a Accidentes de Motocicleta

    a Accidentes de Camiones

    a Accidentes de Autobús

    a Accidentes de Tren

    a Quemaduras

    a Deslizar y Caer

    a Responsabilidad de Local

    a Mordeduras de Animales

    a Accidentes de Viaje Compartido (Uber & Lyft)

    a Muerte Por Negligencia

    a Lesión Cerebral Traumática

      ¡Solicite una consulta GRATIS!


      Experiencia. Compasivo. Feroz.

      ¡Llámenos ahora para obtener su primera consulta GRATIS!

      Call AMS Law 24/7 to get ahold of a California personal injury attorney in Los Angeles county who can help you

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