What to Do After a Car Accident?

¿Qué Hacer Después de un Accidente Automovilístico?


A car accident can disorient you, making it easy to lose track of essential steps of what to do if you get in a car accident. That’s where a car accident checklist becomes so important.

Car accidents can strike suddenly, leaving a wake of physical and emotional wreckage. Beyond the immediate injuries, automobile collisions can trigger emotional trauma, financial strain, and overwhelming stress. California car accident lawyers stand ready to assist you in navigating this challenging journey toward recovery. Whether you’re grappling with anxiety or other post-accident trauma, our team at AMS Law is here to provide guidance and support every step of the way, with compassionate counsel and fierce representation.

At AMS Law, we empathize with the overwhelming aftermath of an automobile accident. Serving Los Angeles County, Long Beach, and throughout California, our personal injury law firm and California car accident attorney are committed to easing the stress and hurdles post-collision.


For more information, refer to our Accidentes Automovilísticos practice area page.


Don’t wait for the statute of limitations to expire!

Reach out to our California car accident attorney, Allen Splopuko, Esq. at (562) 955-4AMS or complete our case evaluation form promptly. 

Además de tener una prestigiosa carrera jurídica con una combinación única de experiencia en litigios como demandante y defensa, Allen Splopuko es un abogado bilingüe, enabling him to fluently represent English- and Spanish-speakers alike. 


Here is our Car Accident Check List so you know exactly what to do after car accident:

Car Accident Check List

  1. Pull over and move to a safe location. Failing to stop after an accident can result in serious legal consequences.
  2. Check for Injuries. First and foremost, check yourself and others involved in the accident for injuries. Seek medical attention immediately if needed.
  3. Seek Out Witnesses. It’s important to do this as immediately as possible, before they leave the scene. Gather witnesses’ names and phone numbers.
  4. Call the Police: Even for minor accidents, it’s essential to report the incident to law enforcement. A police report will document the details of the accident, which can be valuable for your insurance claim.
  5. Do Not Give a Statement to the At-Fault Party’s Insurance. The traumatic aftermath of an accident can make it difficult to think clearly, so it’s best not to discuss any details of the accident that might be used by your insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company against you. It’s common for the other driver’s insurance to reach out for a recorded statement. Remember, you are not obligated to provide one, as these statements are often used to establish fault against you.
  6. Gather Information: Exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved in the accident. 
  7. Document the Scene: Take photos of the accident scene, including vehicle damage, road conditions, and any relevant signage or traffic signals.
  8. Notify Your Insurance Company: Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. 
  9. Find a Car Accident Lawyer and get in contact: As soon as possible, reach out to our reputable California car accident attorney at AMS Law to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Tome acción hoy: contáctenos para una evaluación gratuita de su caso

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in California, seek legal help before the statute of limitations in California for car accidents expires.

Based in Cerritos, our car accident lawyer serves Long Beach, Los Angeles, and throughout  California, and is here to fight for your rights and ensure you receive every cent of the compensation you deserve.

Contacta con nosotros hoy para una evaluación de caso gratuita y sin compromiso. Permítanos manejar las complejidades legales de las leyes de accidentes automovilísticos de California mientras usted se concentra en su recuperación.

Personal Injury Lawyer serving Los Angeles, Long Beach, and throughout California

Déjenos Llevar Su Carga

Dealing with the legal landscape can be daunting—that’s why it’s crucial to partner with a seasoned personal injury lawyer in LA County and serving California who can fight fiercely for what you deserve.

Complete la forma de contacto o llámenos al (562) 955-4AMS para iniciar el camino hacia la recuperación.


    ¡Solicite una consulta GRATIS!